Innovative University of Enga - Dept. of Primary Teaching


Enga Teachers College, like many teacher education institutions, offers different strands or specialized tracks within its programs. These strands are designed to provide students with focused training and expertise in specific areas of education. While the specific strands available at Enga Teachers College may vary, here's a general overview of what these strands might entail:.

Math & Science

 Strands in educational institutions typically refer to specialized tracks or areas of study that students can choose to pursue. In the context of a teachers college, these strands are designed to prepare future educators with specialized knowledge and skills in specific subject areas or teaching methodologies.

Professional Development

A "Professional Development Strand" at Enga Teachers College would typically be designed to provide future educators with specialized training, skills, and experiences related to professional growth and development in the field of education.

Language & Literature

This strand is essential for producing teachers who can effectively teach language skills, foster a love of literature, and help students develop strong communication and literacy abilities.

Community Development

The "Community Development Strand" at Enga Teachers College likely focuses on equipping future educators with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to actively engage with and contribute to the development of local communities.

Social & Spiritual

The "Social and Spiritual Strand" at Enga Teachers College is likely designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of social and spiritual aspects of education, as well as the skills and knowledge necessary to integrate these dimensions into their teaching practices.


The inclusion of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) component within the Math and Science Strand at Enga Teachers College is a recognition of the pivotal role that technology plays in modern education, particularly in the fields of mathematics and science.